Digital Pattern Guide
We understand that you might be brand new to digital patterns. That’s why we have this handy guide to walk you through each step of the process. And remember, if at any point you get stuck, just reach out and contact us with your questions. That’s why we’re here! So let us help you if you need it.
Don’t want to deal with any of this? Choose our print-on-demand service when you purchase your pattern, and we will have the US copy shop pattern and the instructions printed and mailed directly to you! Even if you purchased a digital pattern in the past, you can still purchase printing through us! As long as we can see proof of purchase of the pattern you’re printing, you’re good to go.
Step 1 - Purchase the pattern:
Pick out the pattern from our pattern catalog that you want to purchase. Add it to your cart by clicking the “add to cart” button. Check out on our site, just like you would on any other website, by entering your payment information and completing your purchase.
Step 2 - Download the pattern:
After you finish checking out, you will have two different options for downloading the pattern. Please note a very important detail: the download links expire 24 hours after purchase. So get to your downloading promptly! The first opportunity to download your pattern is on the purchase confirmation page. You will see a “download item” button on the page, just like the image below. If you click on that button, your computer will save the zip file to wherever your downloads are saved. Note: this is specific to your computer, so it is helpful to know this information in advance of saving the file so you know where it will be going. Also note that while all mobile devices are different, this is typically best done on a laptop or desktop computer, and not a mobile device.
The second opportunity to download the pattern is in the email you will receive after checking out. You will receive two emails: one will be an order confirmation, and the other will be an email that says your order is ready. In that email, you will see a zip file link, like in the image below. By clicking on that link, your computer will save the zip file to wherever your downloads are saved.
Step 3 - Open the pattern:
Once you’ve downloaded the pattern to your computer, go to the zip file. Zip files are simply a large folder, compressed to save space. When you click on it, it will expand into a folder. This folder will contain all of the pattern files.
Step 4 - The pattern files:
Each pattern has a list of files unique to itself. On the page in the shop where you purchased the pattern, you can see a list of each file that will be in the folder, along with page count, paper dimensions if applicable, and file size. One file will be the instructions for sewing the pattern, one will be a guide for how to use the digital pattern, and the remaining files will be the pattern in various formats.
Step 5 - Print the pattern:
Each sewer has a format for printing that they prefer, which is why we offer multiple options. Depending on the quantity of pages required, you might prefer using the print-at-home version, or one of the larger size options. The digital pattern guide included in your pattern will list information on how to use each different file included in the pattern you purchased.
If you’re new to the print-at-home method, we have a tutorial on the blog called “How to Print and Assemble PDF Patterns” which will walk you through that entire process from start to finish. This is the most labor intensive option, but it’s also the least expensive, as you can simply print the pattern on your home printer.
Other options will be a US copy shop option, which is the pattern printed on 36” wide roll paper, for a long continuous sheet with the pattern on it, and the A0 copy shop option, which has the pattern divided on A0 sized pages of paper.
Step 6 - Use your pattern:
Once you have the pattern printed in the format of your choosing, you’re ready to go! We highly recommend tracing your pattern off onto something like Swedish tracing paper, so you don’t have to go through the printing and/or assembly process again.
If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We’re happy to help.